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use google drive plz

cant download because of limit

I have added a google drive link. The problem with google is that it can block the downloads

Nice this was very great demo i like it very much but the running stamina in my opinion slow when  running, the stamina decreases quite quickly, so the character stops running in about a second or minute but when i use the shift to run a lot its a hobby so now i now why i can't use many time shift to run to not make noise but the game is really good looking forward full version when is release and is this coming full version only kickstarter or is this coming here or steam anyway well done and keep it up!

Thank you for the feedback! I improved a bit the stamina, making the regeneration faster. Remember that running makes a lot of noise, walking less and walking crouched very little. 

Don't walk always crouched or will miss important pieces for going forward

Happy playing!